Founded in 1997 in the Silicon Valley, M Lab, Inc.
is a software development and consulting firm specializing in
MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, AVC/H.264, AC-3, AAC, as well as DRM, streaming
media and
other video and audio technologies.
M Lab, Inc. is a provider of high quality digital video
and audio codec software products including MPEG-2 HDTV
Decoder, MPEG-2 Decoder and other related
multimedia applications. Its products and technology are widely used in
many industries such as multimedia home devices, broadcasting,
HDTV, DVR, PVR, surveillance systems and etc.
In 2005, M Lab is expanding its business into the PC DVD player
market. M Lab DVD software provides high
quality and high speed playback of MPEG-2 video streams based on M Lab
MPEG-2 Video Decoder. It is well respected for its superior image
quality and reliability.
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